COO draft test page Change of Ownership EN WEB-SRM "*" indicates required fields Test page for development of the WEB-SRM change of ownership form.Franchise*Please choose your franchiseBeavertailsChaiiwalaChurch's ChickenDairy QueenHiFive ChickenMary BrownsPopeyesTim HortonsQuebec* This location is NOT in Québec This location is in the province of Québec Four steps must be completed for Panasonic Canada to perform a change of ownership in the province of Québec: 1. Collection of Revenu Québec information 2. Confirmation of receipt printer compatibility 3. Disconnection of all physical MEV units 4. Provision of location and ownership change details This form cannot be submitted until all four sections are complete.1. Revenu Québec Account Information The following information is required for configuration of MEV-WEB reporting. Additional details are available at the following link: Configuration du système d’enregistrement des ventes. 1. The name under which you do business 2. The user’s first and last name, or name of your company 3. The billing file number for your business 4. The QST registration number of your business 5. The GST registration number of your business 6. The authorization code (for example, X9X9-X9X9) 7. The name you wish to give to your digital certificate for revocation purposes in the event of equipment breakage or theftData Collection* I have gathered all the information required.I understand that I must call 1-(800)- 657-9436 to provide the information gathered above. Please confirm you have gathered the necessary information prior to completing this form. A change of ownership will NOT be possible without this information.2. Receipt Printer CompatibilityReceipt printers in Québec must by law have the ability to print QR codes. Older printers do not have this ability. For details on checking printer model numbers please visit the following link: Identification de l’imprimante Please choose the option below which best describes your installation. (required)Receipt Printer Compatibility* All my printers are Epson TM88 version IV, V, VI, or VII Not all of my printers are the models listed in the option above Receipt printer models that are not listed above will need to be replaced. Replacement devices, including all applicable components are available for $475 plus shipping. These printers can be self-installed by following the instructions included with the device, or by scheduling a service call with a Panasonic technician. 3. SRM / MEV Disconnection*Please choose one of these options. (required) I have SRM / MEV devices and require a technician onsite to remove them and connect the printer directly to the POS. I approve the work order billed at $110/hr labor and $95/hr return travel. I have SRM / MEV devices and do NOT require a technician onsite as I will have a qualified technical person to be able to work with the helpdesk to remove them and connect the printer back to the POS. There are no physical SRM / MEV devices at this location The process for disconnecting an SRM can be seen at the following link: MEV Disconnection 4. Location and Ownership Details Please provide the following details regarding the location and change of ownership.BeavertailsRestaurant ID*Restaurant ID*Location (City)*Requested changeover date* MM slash DD slash YYYY The specific date that you will take ownership and begin operations. Note: Panasonic requires a minimum of 3 business days notice to schedule and assist in your ownership change. Once this form has been submitted you will receive a reply within 24 hours on the following business day with a reference number, along with further instructions if required.Requested changeover time (HR + MM)*Enter the requested time in 24 hour format in YOUR local time zone. HH : MM Note: You must perform an ‘End Of Day’ operation at the time you select here. If you normally perform end of day at another time, we will discuss the options with you for doing so.Name of new owner*Phone of new owner*Email of new owner* Email confirmation of this submission will be sent to this address.Name of MBD (area manager)*Email of MBD Phone of MBD (area manager)*Moneris ECR numbersPopeyesRestaurant ID*Location (City)*Requested changeover date* MM slash DD slash YYYY The specific date that you will take ownership and begin operations. Note: Panasonic requires a minimum of 3 business days notice to schedule and assist in your ownership change. Once this form has been submitted you will receive a reply within 24 hours on the following business day with a reference number, along with further instructions if required.Requested changeover time (HR + MM)*Enter the requested time in 24 hour format in YOUR local time zone. HH : MM Note: You must perform an ‘End Of Day’ operation at the time you select here. If you normally perform end of day at another time, we will discuss the options with you for doing so.Name of new owner*Phone of new owner*Email of new owner* Email confirmation of this submission will be sent to this address.Name of MBD (area manager)*Email of MBD Phone of MBD (area manager)*Chase Merchant IDChase PNS (… 0300000 or 029999)Chase Terminal ID's (101-104,112,201-205…)Kiosk Terminal ID's (301-304…)Fiserv (Valuelink) AKA First Data Merchant IDValueLink: If you provide Gift Cards through Valuelink you must ensure through them that Datawire Provisioning has been completed. Your First Data Relationship manager can assist with this. Failure to ensure provisioning may cause delays before you can begin processing cards. If you have multiple locations, the MID may be the same for all. If so, you should have unique ‘Alternate ID’s’ for each location.HiFive ChickenRestaurant ID*Location (City)*Requested changeover date* MM slash DD slash YYYY The specific date that you will take ownership and begin operations. Note: Panasonic requires a minimum of 3 business days notice to schedule and assist in your ownership change. Once this form has been submitted you will receive a reply within 24 hours on the following business day with a reference number, along with further instructions if required.Requested changeover time (HR + MM)*Enter the requested time in 24 hour format in YOUR local time zone. HH : MM Note: You must perform an ‘End Of Day’ operation at the time you select here. If you normally perform end of day at another time, we will discuss the options with you for doing so.Name of new owner*Phone of new owner*Email of new owner* Email confirmation of this submission will be sent to this address.Name of MBD (area manager)*Phone of MBD (area manager)*Email of MBD Moneris ECR numbersKiosk Terminal ID's (301-304…)ChaiiwalaRestaurant ID*Location (City)*Requested changeover date* MM slash DD slash YYYY The specific date that you will take ownership and begin operations. Note: Panasonic requires a minimum of 3 business days notice to schedule and assist in your ownership change. Once this form has been submitted you will receive a reply within 24 hours on the following business day with a reference number, along with further instructions if required.Requested changeover time (HR + MM)*Enter the requested time in 24 hour format in YOUR local time zone. HH : MM Note: You must perform an ‘End Of Day’ operation at the time you select here. If you normally perform end of day at another time, we will discuss the options with you for doing so.Name of new owner*Phone of new owner*Email of new owner* Email confirmation of this submission will be sent to this address.Name of MBD (area manager)*Email of MBD Phone of MBD (area manager)*Payment ProviderPlease select your payment providerChaseMonerisChase Merchant IDChase PNS (… 0300000 or 029999)Chase Terminal ID's (101-104,112,201-205…)Moneris ECR NumbersKiosk Terminal ID's (301-304…)Tim HortonsRestaurant ID*Location (City)*Requested changeover date* MM slash DD slash YYYY The specific date that you will take ownership and begin operations. Note: Panasonic requires a minimum of 3 business days notice to schedule and assist in your ownership change. Once this form has been submitted you will receive a reply within 24 hours on the following business day with a reference number, along with further instructions if required.Requested changeover time (HR + MM)*Enter the requested time in 24 hour format in YOUR local time zone. HH : MM Note: You must perform an ‘End Of Day’ operation at the time you select here. If you normally perform end of day at another time, we will discuss the options with you for doing so.Name of new owner*Phone of new owner*Email of new owner* Email confirmation of this submission will be sent to this address.Name of MBD (area manager)*Email of MBD Phone of MBD (area manager)*Chase Merchant IDChase PNS (… 0300000 or 029999)Kiosk Terminal ID's (301-304…)Chase Terminal ID's (101-104,112,201-205…)Fiserv (Valuelink) AKA First Data Merchant IDValueLink: If you provide Gift Cards through Valuelink you must ensure through them that Datawire Provisioning has been completed. Your First Data Relationship manager can assist with this. Failure to ensure provisioning may cause delays before you can begin processing cards. If you have multiple locations, the MID may be the same for all. If so, you should have unique ‘Alternate ID’s’ for each location.Church's ChickenRestaurant ID number*Location (City)*Requested changeover date* MM slash DD slash YYYY The specific date that you will take ownership and begin operations. Note: Panasonic requires a minimum of 3 business days notice to schedule and assist in your ownership change. Once this form has been submitted you will receive a reply within 24 hours on the following business day with a reference number, along with further instructions if required.Requested changeover time (enter hours AND minutes)*Enter the requested time in 24 hour format in YOUR local time zone. HH : MM Note: You must perform an ‘End Of Day’ operation at the time you select here. If you normally perform end of day at another time, we will discuss the options with you for doing so.Name of new owner*Phone of new owner*Email of new owner* Payment Processor*A selection from this list is requiredMonerisTDMoneris ECR numbersTD Merchant ID numberTD Pinpad ECR numbersGIVEX Merchant IDDairy QueenRestaurant ID number*Location (City)*Requested changeover date* MM slash DD slash YYYY The specific date that you will take ownership and begin operations. Note: Panasonic requires a minimum of 3 business days notice to schedule and assist in your ownership change. Once this form has been submitted you will receive a reply within 24 hours on the following business day with a reference number, along with further instructions if required.Requested changeover time (enter hours AND minutes)*Enter the requested time in 24 hour format in YOUR local time zone. HH : MM Note: You must perform an ‘End Of Day’ operation at the time you select here. If you normally perform end of day at another time, we will discuss the options with you for doing so.Name of new owner*Email of new owner* Phone of new owner*TD Merchant ID numberTD Pinpad ECR numbersFiserv (Valuelink) AKA First Data Merchant IDTax #Mary BrownsRestaurant ID number*Location (City)*Requested changeover date* MM slash DD slash YYYY The specific date that you will take ownership and begin operations. Note: Panasonic requires a minimum of 3 business days notice to schedule and assist in your ownership change. Once this form has been submitted you will receive a reply within 24 hours on the following business day with a reference number, along with further instructions if required.Requested changeover time (enter hours AND minutes)*Enter the requested time in 12 hour format in YOUR local time zone. HH : MM Note: You must perform an ‘End Of Day’ operation at the time you select here. If you normally perform end of day at another time, we will discuss the options with you for doing so.Name of new owner*Email of new owner* Phone of new owner*Name of MBD (area manager)*Email of MBD Phone of MBD (area manager)*Moneris ECR numbersEnterPIN pad serial numbers (separate with comma)PIN Pad serial numbersGIVEX Merchant IDTax #HST / Tax IDAdditional CommentsPlease use this space to add any additional information that you feel we should know.Agreement to billing*** A $275 billable work order will be required, and an additional $65 per hour to convert to WEB-SRM remotely. The new owner is responsible for submitting the required information to Panasonic no later than ten business days prior to the changeover or Panasonic will be forced to postpone or cancel the project. By submitting this form, the new owner acknowledges and agrees to pay the associated costs per location, per ownership change. Should the account change be cancelled, postponed or delayed, we require 24 hours notice or a cancellation fee will be applied. The Submit button will appear when the ‘I agree’ box above has been checked. I Agree Agreement to billing ($275 during business hours, $550 outside those hours) and an additional $275 if cancelled within 24 hours of scheduled date*By submitting this form, the new owner acknowledges and agrees to pay the appropriate configuration and administration fee per location, per ownership change. Should the account change be cancelled, postponed or delayed, we require 24 hours notice or there will be a $275 cancellation fee applied. The Submit button will appear when the ‘I agree’ box above has been checked. I agree * Please note that Panasonic requires a minimum of three (3) business days to process and schedule change of ownership requests *** Should your account change need to occur outside the hours of 8am to 4pm EST – Monday thru Friday, additional resources will be required and the change of ownership fee doubled due to OT rates ** If you can not complete all the required fields on this form, please contact our help desk at 800-463-7655 for assistance.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ